Tiimo App

Current activity timer in the Tiimo planner app translated into Swedish
Target: Swedish
Client: Tiimo (DK)

Tiimo is a visual planner app designed for individuals with ADHD, autism, or neurodiversity. Our main task was translating the app interface, library of activities and routines, and the App Store text from English to Swedish.

Our goal was to create a Swedish version with straightforward language to make navigating and planning quick, easy, and natural. We achieved this by maintaining clarity and consistency throughout the translation process. Furthermore, we aimed to match the number of characters in the translation with the English reference as much as possible to avoid text overflow.

We used TestFlight to review the app and corrected some shorter strings where the context had previously been unclear. Through a few test iterations, we completed the task before the deadline.

Thanks to our translation work, Tiimo has been able to provide its Swedish-speaking users with a version of the app that is natural, easy to navigate, and accessible.
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